
Our Lady of Mount Carmel takes pride in being a school community that welcomes the gifts and talents of so many individuals. An investment of your time and talent is critical to the success of our school! We invite you to volunteer for various events and activities that serve the students and build community amongst one another.

All those who wish to work or volunteer in our school must be appropriately screened and trained and provide three written references to the school. All who wish to do so must go to VIRTUS. You will register by clicking "First-Time Registrant." Select: "Begin the registration process," and then "Baltimore Archdiocese." You will create a login-ID and password.

Ways to Volunteer for OLMC

Our Lady of Mount Carmel values the service that volunteers can provide. Without generous volunteers, many programs and offerings for our students and community could not thrive.


Our Lady of Mount Carmel hosts a community–wide carnival two times per year. This is a huge fundraiser for our school. Volunteers are essential to the success of this festival. It is estimated that it requires 105 volunteers each hour of the festival’s operation.

Annual Bull Roast & Silent Auction

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School and Athletic Association sponsors a bull roast and silent auction every fall. This event draws nearly 400 people to a night of entertainment, all the while raising a significant amount of funds. Volunteers can assist in acquiring donations for the auction, operating one of the many games of chance, helping with the silent auction and selling tickets.


Our Lady of Mount Carmel Upper School relies on the PTSA members for many different events and ideas. Members host numerous fundraisers throughout the school year, often represent our school during Open House and other public events, as well as keep lines of communication open between administration and parents.

If you have a student currently enrolled at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, please see our Parent Volunteering page.

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